Hospital & Nursing Home Consulting
The Institute consults with individuals and family members one-on-one who are experiencing difficulty communicating with hospital administrators, nursing home staff or administration, physicians, nursing staff and medical ethics boards. The single biggest problem in communication of any kind is the illusion that it has actually taken place when the opposite is the case which leads to unnecessary confusion, misunderstanding and misplaced blame. Even when LifeCare Interlock™ documents are in place there are decisions that you may have to face dealing with palliative or hospice care, DNR orders, medical interventions, feeding tubes and end of life issues that require you to make informed decisions. To do so, requires knowing how translate what is being told to you and the short term and long term implications of that information.
If you (family member) live in another state different than your loved one who lives in an assisted living residence or nursing home facility it’s imperative that you perform thorough and consistent oversight and vetting specific to the day to day care of your loved one.
All of this implies a working knowledge and understanding not only of the mechanics of the hospital system and nursing home corporation you have to navigate through but a keen and insightful understanding of your loved one’s past medical history, wants, needs and desires based on past conversations you have had with him or her about their health care and treatment options. Any decision-making needed to be made by a loved one is then made with a clear conscience not only based on your relationship and past conversations, but coupled with LifeCare Interlock™ documents and consulting guidance from the Institute, you can ensure continuity of care, clear communication and real-time oversight with hospital, nursing home or assisted living personnel.