The Wrongful Death & Injury Institute Fund

The Wrongful Death & Injury Institute Fund
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." Proverbs 31:8-9.
Difficult times, health and death issues can create incredible problems for individuals and families needing guidance, assistance and resolution. The Wrongful Death & Injury Institute has partnered with Helping Hands Ministries & Provision Bridge, a charitable foundation in Tallulah Falls, Georgia to provide an easy way for individuals, families and organizations to give charitably to the Institute effectively and in a tax- efficient way.
You can make a credit card payment by clicking the donate button.
You can also send your check to:
Provision Bridge
P.O. Box 157
Tallulah Falls, Georgia 30573
*On the “memo” line of your check write: The Wrongful Death & Injury Institute Fund
All contributions received prior to December 31, 2018 will serve as a charitable (deductible) tax donation for 2018, and a year-end tax receipt will be issued to you by January 31st, 2019.
With enduring gratitude to you,
Karen Russo