The Institute's Lawyer Referral Service
The Wrongful Death &Injury Institute is a nationwide consulting firm specializing in problems arising out of the delivery of medical, mental and dental health care within the U.S. jail and prison system. Our expertise, a result of over two decades of experience is rooted in a working, intricate and accurate knowledge of the inner mechanics of the policies and procedures of prison and jail systems, contracted medical, mental and dental health care providers, expertise specific to death investigations conducted by correctional facilities and contracted providers and working knowledge of the nationwide medical examiner and death investigation systems and their relationship to local and state correctional facilities and DOCs.
Prison litigation is a highly specialized area of legal practice. In order to successfully litigate claims related to a denial of access to medical care or an inmate death, an attorney must have a thorough understanding of how jails and prisons provide medical care, who is responsible for providing it, and what jails and prisons do to cut corners. The importance of choosing an attorney with the right expertise and experience cannot be overstated—it is crucial and a choice that can make or break a case before it has even been filed. Although the Institute is not affiliated with any law firm or individual attorney, the simple truth is that you’ll need to hire an attorney to file a case and get it in front of a judge. And you don’t just want any attorney. Nine times out of ten, the attorney that amended your speeding ticket, handled a friend’s criminal case, handled your neighbor’s divorce or got a settlement for your friend’s automobile accident is not going to have either the expertise or experience to assess your case, represent you competently and hold responsible parties accountable. Lawyers that handle these types of cases are highly specialized and qualified individuals that have the required expertise. They are in a class by themselves. It is indeed an expertise that bleeds into multiple and varying disciplines; all of which he must be well versed in, understand the applicable law, and humble enough to seek out those who can add to his expertise and understanding. Again, these lawyers are highly specialized. You don’t do a search on Google, FindLaw or your local state bar association and find these individuals. It takes much more than that to identify them.
The Institute has identified and continues to identify those lawyers nationwide who fall into that small percentile of expertise that is needed in prison health care and death issues. We review case issues generally and specifically by a review of records you may have, determine records that are needed, determine records that are missing, map out key issues and create a critical analysis and overview for attorneys who have agreed to review cases once the Institute has completed its expertise. This is the most efficient, methodical and economical way to determine the issues, your options and confer with qualified attorneys.
Contact us by email: or by phone: 816.803.6262